marital arts 意味

発音を聞く:   marital artsの例文
  • {雑誌名} : マリタル?アーツ


  1. while bojutsu in japan also exist under the assumption that a given situation would involve two individuals carrying bo , much like in bojutsu found in other countries , forms also exist under the assumption that the opponent would be wielding a sword , as in other japanese marital arts .


        world of marital arts:    {雑誌名} : ワールド?オブ?マリタル?アーツ
        marital:    {形} : 結婚生活{けっこん せいかつ}の、結婚{けっこん}の、婚姻{こんいん}の、夫婦{ふうふ}の、夫の Many marital problems are caused by money worries. 夫婦間の問題の多くは金銭的不安から生じる。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        arts:    arts 芸道 げいどう 技芸 ぎげい
        the arts:    the arts 文科 ぶんか 芸術 げいじゅつ
        in a marital relationship:    《be ~》婚姻関係{こんいん かんけい}にある
        marital abuse:    夫婦間{ふうふ かん}の虐待{ぎゃくたい}
        marital bed:    婚礼{こんれい}の床
        marital bond:    夫婦のきずな
        marital boredom:    結婚生活{けっこん せいかつ}の退屈{たいくつ}さ
        marital breakdown:    離婚{りこん}
        marital breakup:    結婚生活{けっこん せいかつ}の破たん
        marital compatibility:    夫婦{ふうふ}の相性{あいしょう}
        marital conflict:    夫婦{ふうふ}の対立{たいりつ}
        marital correlation:    婚姻相関{こんいんそうかん}、夫婦相関
        marital counseling:    結婚カウンセリング、結婚相談


  1. "marita" 意味
  2. "maritage" 意味
  3. "maritain" 意味
  4. "marital" 意味
  5. "marital abuse" 意味
  6. "marital bed" 意味
  7. "marital bond" 意味
  8. "marital boredom" 意味
  9. "marital breakdown" 意味
  10. "marital" 意味
  11. "marital abuse" 意味
  12. "marital bed" 意味
  13. "marital bond" 意味

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